Christina's Place

I have decided to post my life on the Internet. I am going to college so my blog should be interesting.

Hello and Welcome to My Personal Blog.

I will try to update it everyday with stories from my Life, Pictures,

News and other stuff I find interesting.

If you email me or I am on chat please be patient I get vey busy.

I promise I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Love Christina

Example ^ Yep Thats me ^

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Friday Night

Well since my computer is still acting up I might as well go out for a couple hours tonight. I have been told it might be adware / virus but I have ran a couple programs and nothing comes up. I have also been told it might be lack of RAM which is a good possibility since nothing on this computer has been updated. Soon I will go so mad I will through this thing out the window. And then I will have to get a new computer.

Well I will be on chat (hopefully) later tonight.

