Christina's Place

I have decided to post my life on the Internet. I am going to college so my blog should be interesting.

Hello and Welcome to My Personal Blog.

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Love Christina

Example ^ Yep Thats me ^

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Kissing with class

Herald Sun: Kissing with class [16feb05]

THERE'S more to a kiss than meets the lips, as couples are learning at a kissing school in Seattle.

Psychotherapist Cherie Byrd, 56, got the idea for teaching kissing classes while dating a man who was a horrible kisser.
"Yuck. He was clumsy, unskilled and half-hearted," Byrd said. "I told him if he wanted the relationship to continue he had to let me teach him to kiss."

The boyfriend didn't last, but Byrd, a self-described "luscious kisser", said that gave her the idea to teach the art and craft of kissing to other couples. Since 1998, more than 500 couples have paid $US275 ($350) to learn Byrd's secrets for giving or receiving a passionate kiss.

On a typical class day, up to a dozen couples create "love nests" with sleeping bags and overstuffed pillows on the carpeted floor of the classroom.

Each class begins with foot rubs, back-to-back dancing and tender kisses on the hand. Students slowly graduate to neck nibbles, ear exploration and finally lip locks.

As Byrd guides couples through exercises, such as kissing only the bottom lip or licking an ear, soft music plays. In a calm, breathy voice she tells them to "tease, surrender and risk" touching their partner in ways they've never tried before.

Most are married and in their late 30s to mid 50s. Some couples have come from as far away as Africa, South Korea and cities all over the United States, Byrd said.
