Christina's Place

I have decided to post my life on the Internet. I am going to college so my blog should be interesting.

Hello and Welcome to My Personal Blog.

I will try to update it everyday with stories from my Life, Pictures,

News and other stuff I find interesting.

If you email me or I am on chat please be patient I get vey busy.

I promise I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Love Christina

Example ^ Yep Thats me ^

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Firm's Valentine Cards Spark Lovers' Tiffs

Yahoo! News - Firm's Valentine Cards Spark Lovers' Tiffs

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - A pharmaceutical company which sent anonymous Valentine's cards to Dutch gynecologists in a publicity stunt has been forced to apologize for sparking family arguments.

The doctors and their partners were furious with the company -- whose Web site says it mixes "the ingredients for health and happiness" -- after the firm sent cards saying "Now shall we tell everyone?," De Telegraaf newspaper reported Thursday.

A second card was dispatched to the 800 doctors the next day explaining that the first had been a gimmick to promote a new product.

In some cases, the cards caused so much distress that the company, Organon, sent apologetic bouquets of flowers, the newspaper said.
